Joseph ascended from a pit to a palace, thanked God that what his brothers meant for evil God meant for good, and helped his family and multiple nations survive a seven-year famine. Daniel descended from a palace to a pit, thanked God for shutting the mouths of lions, and faithfully served the Lord under a captor king to conserve a remnant of his people during a seventy-year exile.
Moses moved from Egyptian prince to Midianite shepherd to Hebrew leader, thanked God continuously even amidst trials and tribulations, and shepherded God’s chosen people into a tribal nation. David moved from shepherd boy to military hero to mighty king, thanked God continuously even amidst trials and tribulations, and shepherded his nation into a united kingdom.
Nebuchadnezzar arrogantly lost his throne and royal authority for seven years, thanked God for His sovereignty and blessings following his return to sanity, and returned to greater power and glory in service to the people and temporal kingdom God granted him.
Jesus humbly gave up his throne and royal authority for approximately 33 years, thanked God for His sovereignty and blessings throughout his trials and sacrifice, and returned to greater power and glory in service to the people and eternal kingdom God granted him.
Barren Hannah and old Elizabeth became bold mothers, thanked God for their blessings, and gave their children up to serve the Lord and others in His name. Young unwed Mary became married Mother Mary, thanked God for His sovereign grace and mercy, and faithfully and temporally raised the Lord who would faithfully and eternally raise her.
Likewise, in and through all of our own unique circumstances, we should be always thanksgiving, for the Lord and for others, and for the many opportunities we have to help others in His name.
Revival. Awakening. Outpouring. Manifestation of God’s presence. Gentleness. Glory. Peace. There are many descriptors spawned from the chapel service that began on February 8, 2023, in Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Thousands have shared their testimonies and...
Although the concept of justice is ubiquitous across time and history, pursuits of what is mutually considered fair and reasonable are often fraught with dissension and turmoil. From playrooms to press rooms, playing fields to battlefields, bedrooms to boardrooms, and...
The aroma of freshly cut grass permeated the Saturday morning air. I was about to turn ten years old, and had finally convinced my dad that I was old enough and responsible enough to mow. After a series of lessons...